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College of

Natural Sciences and Mathematics

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We are training the next generation of leaders in the sciences and mathematics, preparing them to be collaborative critical thinkers who combine classroom knowledge with hands-on research experience to ask and answer complex questions.

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Faculty member and student look at lab equipment

NSM faculty members are annually awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars in external funding from federal agencies such as the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and the Department of Energy via a highly competitive peer review process.

Professor writes math equation on white board

For its mentoring and outreach success, the American Mathematical Society awarded CSUF’s Department of Mathematics its 2022 Award for “Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference.”

Group of students high five at desk

NSM offers multiple scholar training programs, including the Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Training Program, known as MHRT, and the Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement, known as U-RISE.

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Why Choose College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

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Led by esteemed faculty researchers, CSUF offers a wide range of scholarships and department-based fellowships that support undergraduate research on such topics as climate change, gravitational waves, mathematics education and Alzheimer’s disease.

CSUF’s diverse and dedicated students harness interdisciplinary resources and experiences in the field, laboratory and research centers to explore their passions and create new scientific knowledge in their fields.